Board Of Management

Dr. D. Muniraju -Chairman
We see the immensity of our social responsibility in the development of young minds gives shape to society in due time; and so we seek to lay a foundation of true education, comprising of values besides scholastic excellence, which can be developed upon through every experience of life. In this venture of ours we bring you a striking balance of contemporary practices with in the respected conventions of education, which we are confident would equip our students with clarity for making intelligent choices of career. While we make good and full use of technological amenities at our institutions, we remain committed to maintain the environment which encourages learning through direct experience and interaction. As we remain pledged to the noble profession of teaching and in humble regard for the experience for those who guide us, and continue in gratitude for those who have wished us well, we trust that our present endeavour of giving you Bangalore International Group of Institutions will answer your need of a balanced urban education.

Mrs. Vijaya Muniraju
President BIGI
Our aim is to be the guiding light to young minds that have gathered beneath the BIGI banner in search of knowledge and a bright future.

Mr D.Rakesh Muniraju, Secretary, BIPS
Bangalore International Kidshigh is with an ideology of Excellence in Education and Joy of Learning. Here we endeavour to spread the light of education all around. It is our earnest effort to make Bangalore International Public School, a school with a difference and a mission to impart excellence in individuals and prepare world-class citizens, professionals, leaders, bureaucrats and intellectuals.